November 2018 1 19 Report
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PRZETŁUMACZ NA JĘZYK POLSKI :) The history of communication shows us that people love to make contact with each other.Doingthis over long distances in ancient times wasn't easy, but people found unusual ways to communicate.The Greeks, for example, developed alphabatical smoke signals. They were also the first to use pigeons, when someone wanted to send a message to Athens about the winner of the Olympic Games. Over the centuries, people used different ways of taking messages and letters from one place to another - peple, horses, mail coaches and ships. But all these methods of delivering the post took a long time. Then, in 1843, a man called Samuel Morse invanted something that gave us instant communication over long distances. This was the telegraph wire and it was the beginning of telecommunications (the Greek tele means far). He also invented Morse code - a system of short and long sounds representing the letters of the alphabet - for sending messages via telegraph. Later in the nineteenth centry, people started to have real conversations over long distances. Alexander Graham Bell made this possible in 1876, when he invanted the electric telephone. Telephone services improved quickly during the twentieth centry until the next big step forward, in 1973, That was when an engineer called Dr. Martin Cooper stood in a street in New York City and made the fristcall with his invention, the mobile phone. The telephone is still the most popular method of communicaton today, followed by the modern, electronic version of letters. This is email (electronic mail), and people sent the first , very simple, emails in 1971. They did this using an early form of internet. About twenty years later, a computer engineer called Tim Berners-Lee started to develop the software to link computers around the world, and the worldwideweb was born in 1994.

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