Pilne!! proszę pomóżcie!!!;) Mam opisac swoją miejscowośc , czyli Chojnów Oto pytania na które mam odpowiedziec w tekście : Where do you live?? How big is the popliation?to będzie ok.16 tysięcy Do you like living there ?Why?Tak, bo spędziłam to prawie moje całe dziecinstwo itp. What are the good things in your town ??Wymyślcie coś, to małe miasto ;) What are the bad things?? Do you think your town was better or worse ten years ago?? How is it different now? Do you want to stay in your town or do you want to move away?Why?
Jak macie jakieś pytania to piszcie na wiadomości prywatne. Ok?? Nie z tłumacza!!! Z góry dzięki;)
I'm live in Chojnów. It's not big city, but not so small too. There live about 16 thousand people. I like live here, because i born there, and there is much happen. My favourite place there is shopping center >>nazwa centrum<<. I don't tell anything about bad things, because there isn't such. Ten years ago? I don't remember this city. I was >>twój wiek 10 lat temu<< years, but i know that now is new >>coś nowego<< wich I like so much. How is it different? I can't tell you much about changes. I won't stay here. I want move to biggest city for example to Poznań, or Wrocław. Why I want move? Because I want have got a good work!