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Napisz PO ANGIELSKUopowiadanie na co najmniej 200słów,,To byłodoświadczenie, którezmieniło moje życie".
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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That experience changed my life forever.
One day as usual I was going to school. I got up early in the morning. When I was walking along a street I saw a boy. He was carrying something in his hands. His clothes were dirty, there were many holes on it. He looked at me and asked for some money. I was shocked. He wanted to buy some food for his younger brother. He didn't want the money for himself. I felt very sorry for him and quickly gave some money. Then he went across. I stayed for a few minutes. It showed me how poor are some people. Next day I met my best friend and told him the story. We decided to found an organisation helping young, poor children. The idea was really good - many students from our class joined the organisation. We were collecting money, some old toys, computers, clothes. We were giving that those children. It is very nice to do something good for other people. I like this feeling very much. Teachers and school like our activity. Now I don't only care about me but also other people. I believe that one day our organisation will become bigger and we will help much more children who need us. I feel it that it is my destination.
Itwasan eventthat changedmylife...
This eventtook placeinsummer 2005.Untilthen,I wasspoiledandrebelliousteenager.Icomplained abouteverything,I did notcometo complain about.Iboughtalotof newclothes, cosmetics, shoesandothergadgets.However,quicklyboredandthreweverything.I wanted tobea beauticianinthe futureandhavea big houseanda lot ofchildren.Insummer 2005the parentssaidthatwe leaveon vacation.I hadhopedthatitalyorspain, but my parentsdecidedto gotoAfrica.I thoughtit would beaholiday resortinEgyptorany otherbeautifulplace.We wentto,,thirdworld''.Momsaidthat maybethisviewofteaching me tocomplainandlosemoneyonstupidity.Andshe was right.Thisviewwas terrible.Everywherewere small,smelly,dirty andverythinchildren.Looked outatmeasfood.I feltpitythese children.This viewturnedto me.all theclothesthatI hadwith meI gavethose kids,give themwater, alldecks.Drankeverythingveryquickly.ThenI gavethemtoothbrushes,soap,shampoothathas washedup.Enoughfor the few.Butalthough itwascleanandfragrant.I gaveall,allourfoodand everything elsetheycouldcome in handyasI hadwith me.Parentswereangryatmebecause itclearedtozerocarandluggage.We came backwith nothing.I decidedthenthat therest of his lifedevotedtohelping childreninAfrica.At the endwe leftitassome sort ofa mothercame upto meandpushedmeintothe hands ofthe newbornandfled.I freaked outbutittookup.Took careof himlikehis own.But howlongI hadfreefrom school, organizedthe collectionof water,clothes, foodandeverythingtohygiene.Thenzawoziłamit alltoAfrica.WithtimeI learnedthe locallanguageandknow howtotalk to them.Itis theyear2011.I am 21years old andstudyingmedicinetobe able totreatpeopleinAfrica.Continues to organizetheircollection, andoftentheyvisit.Littlehas improvedtheir lives.They havethe clothesarecleanand do notstarve.I showedthemhowto growaboxsoensureyoueat some food.Agirl I've gonefromafricais6 years old andisbeautifuland healthy.He travelswithmetoAfricaandplayingwith thosechildren.shecan speakin twolanguages.We are verygladthat themixtureparentstooktoAfricaponiważitchanged mylife.