Opisz osobę w języku angielskim używając: -present simple(przedstawienie,hobby) -present continous(czym się zajumje) -past simple(wydarzenie z przeszłości) -going to(plan na przyszłość)
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-present simple His name is John. He likes to swim and read books. -present continuous His is now at work, but he has got a break and he eating a lunch. He working in a office now. -past simple He worked in a pet shop in the past. -going to He going to learn to play football.
His name is John. He likes to swim and read books.
-present continuous
His is now at work, but he has got a break and he eating a lunch.
He working in a office now.
-past simple
He worked in a pet shop in the past.
-going to
He going to learn to play football.