PeterParkerisan ordinaryteenager, a student ofMidtownScienceSchool.He is a keenphotographer,admirercheerleadersGwenStacy, anda frequentvictim ofschoolsports stars,FlashThompson.Lifehas changedquitea boywhen heisoldbriefcasefather.Thenbeginsan adventure thatwill allow him tolearn the secretsof the past andwill shapeits future.During a visit tothe company's headquartersOscorpPeteris bitten by astrangespider.And thenit turns outthat it canclingto the ceiling,climb wallsand jumpgreat distances.Parkeruses hisnew abilitiesas theAmazingSpider-Man.Soonhewillface themonsterznanymjakoLizardandtake up the fightto saveNew York City!
Spider-Man is brave and courageous and strong! Spider-Man saves the people from evil! Once a spider bit him, and through him to throw sea network, good to see and walk through walls! Spider-Man is Granny and Dzatka! Spider Man fell in love with somsiatce! Chyba pomoglem :)
PeterParkerisan ordinaryteenager, a student ofMidtownScienceSchool.He is a keenphotographer,admirercheerleadersGwenStacy, anda frequentvictim ofschoolsports stars,FlashThompson.Lifehas changedquitea boywhen heisoldbriefcasefather.Thenbeginsan adventure thatwill allow him tolearn the secretsof the past andwill shapeits future.During a visit tothe company's headquartersOscorpPeteris bitten by astrangespider.And thenit turns outthat it canclingto the ceiling,climb wallsand jumpgreat distances.Parkeruses hisnew abilitiesas theAmazingSpider-Man.Soonhewillface themonsterznanymjakoLizardandtake up the fightto saveNew York City!
Spider-Man is brave and courageous and strong! Spider-Man saves the people from evil! Once a spider bit him, and through him to throw sea network, good to see and walk through walls! Spider-Man is Granny and Dzatka! Spider Man fell in love with somsiatce! Chyba pomoglem :)