1. Nie jestem księżniczką więc nie mogę poślibić księcia. Gdybym była księżniczką poślubiłabym księcia. 2. Więcej ludzi przyszłoby na koncert w zeszłą sobotę gdyby było to ogłoszone w radio. 3. Pożyczyłabym im komputer gdyby mnie o to poprosili. 4. Nie spowodowałabyś wypadku gdybyś jechałą wolniej. 5. Gdybyś wstała wcześniej wysłuchałabyś wiadomości o 7.00. 6. Dobrze byście się wczoraj bawili gdybyście wczoraj poszli na koncert. 7. Jako dziecko chodziłabym od lepszej szkoły gdyby moi rodzice mieli więcej pieniędzy. 8. Nie rozwiedliby się gdyby się na prawdę kochali. 9. Jeśli nie dostanę czegoś do jedzenia umrę z głodu. 10. Gdybym miała własny komputer nie użyczałabym twojego. 11. Ciekawe co byś zrobił gdybyś go tam wczoraj spotkał. 12. Gdybym nie pił nie prosiłbym żonę żeby jechałą samochodem. 13. Bomba spowodowałaby wiele zniszczeń gdyby wybuchła. 14. Gdybyś położył klucz na właściwym miejscu znalazłbym go z łatwością. 15. Uprawialibyśmy ananasy gdybyśmy żyli w innym klimacie. 16. Mówiłabym płynnie po angielsku gdybym miała szansę jeździć do Anglii od czasu do czasu. 17. Co się stanie jeśli nacisnę ten przycisk? 18. Kupiłabym lepszy samochód gdyby było mnie na to stać. 19. Wysłałabym wam pocztówke z Grecji gdybym nie zapomniała waszego adresu. 20. Gdyby mój syn wyszedł do szkoły o 7.30 nie spóźniłnby się do szkoły.
1. I'm not a princess so I can't marry a prince. If I was a princess, I would marry a prince. 2. More people would have attended the concert on Saturday if it had been announced on the radio. 3. I would lend them my computer if they asked me for it. 4. You wouldn't have caused the accident if you had been driving slower. / If you had been driving slower, you wouldn't have caused the accident. 5. If you had got up earlier, you would have listened to the news at 7 a.m. / You would have listened to the news at 7 a.m. if you had got up earlier. 6. You would have had a good time if you had attended the concert yesterday. / If you had attended the concert yesterday, you would have had a good time. 7. I would have attended a better school when I was a child if my parents had been richer. 8. They wouldn't have divorced if they had truly loved each other. 9. If I don't get something to eat, I will die of starvation. 10. If I had my own computer, I wouldn't have to borrow yours. 11. I'm wondering what you would do if you had met him yesterday. 12. If I hadn't had a drink, I wouldn't ask my wife to drive. 13. The bomb would cause a lot of damage if it went off. 14. If you had put your key in the right place, you would be able to find it easily. 15. We would grow pineapples if our climate was different here. 16. I would speak English fluently if I had a chance to visit English-speaking countries from time to time. 17. What will happen if I press this button? 18. I would have bought a better car if I could afford it. 19. I would have sent you a postcard from Greece if I hadn't forgotten your address. 20. If your son had left for school at 7.30 a.m., he wouldn't have been late.
If I was a princess, I would marry a prince.
2. More people would have attended the concert on Saturday if it had been announced on the radio.
3. I would lend them my computer if they asked me for it.
4. You wouldn't have caused the accident if you had been driving slower. / If you had been driving slower, you wouldn't have caused the accident.
5. If you had got up earlier, you would have listened to the news at 7 a.m. / You would have listened to the news at 7 a.m. if you had got up earlier.
6. You would have had a good time if you had attended the concert yesterday. / If you had attended the concert yesterday, you would have had a good time.
7. I would have attended a better school when I was a child if my parents had been richer.
8. They wouldn't have divorced if they had truly loved each other.
9. If I don't get something to eat, I will die of starvation.
10. If I had my own computer, I wouldn't have to borrow yours.
11. I'm wondering what you would do if you had met him yesterday.
12. If I hadn't had a drink, I wouldn't ask my wife to drive.
13. The bomb would cause a lot of damage if it went off.
14. If you had put your key in the right place, you would be able to find it easily.
15. We would grow pineapples if our climate was different here.
16. I would speak English fluently if I had a chance to visit English-speaking countries from time to time.
17. What will happen if I press this button?
18. I would have bought a better car if I could afford it.
19. I would have sent you a postcard from Greece if I hadn't forgotten your address.
20. If your son had left for school at 7.30 a.m., he wouldn't have been late.