September 2018 1 17 Report

Odpowiedz na pytania :

-Czy wierzysz,że Pan Jezus wie,co jest w sercu człowieka,wie też, co jest w twoim sercu:Czego pragniesz dla siebie i innych?Pomyśl czy wszystko,co jest w twoim sercu,jest dobre.Czy rzeczywiście wszystko to służy twojemu dobru i dobru osób, z którymi się spotykasz?

-Otrzymana od Pana Boga umiejętność odróżniania dobra od zła wymaga twojego wysiłku, by wybierać i czynić dobro,a przez to okazywać swą miłość Bogu innym ludziom oraz siebie.

-Zauważ że często nie potrafimy ocenić,czy postanowiliśmy dobrze czy źle.W jaki sposób-twoim zdaniem-możemy kształtować swoje sumienie,rozwijać w sobie umiejętność odrózniania dobra od zła ?

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Prosze o napisanie wymowy :) czyli tak jak się mówi/wyymawia1.Well the first day of spring, well it came and gone and the summer did too But winter's so long. And my heart still sings, sings for you. And I dream Of the one summer night I spent with you. 2.And it still goes on like the 4th of July And my heart still beats like you're by my side And I dream of the day when you'll be mine And I'll fly sky high on the 4th of July. 3.Well the first day of spring, well it came and gone and the summer did too But winter's so long. And my heart still sings, sings for you. And I dream Of the one summer night I spent with you. And then the rain came down and the sheets of grey and they washed our Love, my dreams away. And the rising sun, it never came. It just stayed There in that one summer day. 4.And it still goes on like the 4th of July And my heart still beats like you're by my side And I dream of the day when you'll be mine And I'll fly sky high on the 4th of July. 5.And the fireworks still pop in my head, the flag still flies overhead. And The banner still blows, still blow in the wind. The crowds still cheer, the Crowds still sing. 6.And it still goes on like the 4th of July And my heart still beats like you're by my side And I dream of the day when you'll be mine And I'll fly sky high. 7.And it still goes on like the 4th of July And my heart still beats like you're by my side And I dream of the day when you'll be mine And I'll fly sky high, happy 4th of July.

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