Niech mi ktoś to przetłumacz, w czasie past simple: sandy odebrała (telefon) i usłyszała, że jest najlepszą piosenkarką. Może towarzyszyć w nagraniu sławnej piosenkarce.
zaprosiał ją do samochodu i pojechały do studia nagrań.
Piosenkarka poprosiła sendy żeby zaśpiewała razem z nią. Ona bardzo sie ucieszyła i chętnie śpiewała.
Sandy took back (telephone) and she heard, that it is the best singer. To accompany in recording famous singer maybe.
she invited her to car and they went to studies of recordings.
Singer asked sendy in order to she sang with her together. She sie made happy very and she sang willingly.
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Sandy received (telephone), and heard that it is the best singer. May accompany the famous singer in the recording.
invited her to the car and went to the studio recordings.
Sendy singer asked to sing with her. She is very pleased and happy to sing.
0 votes Thanks 0
Sandy received the phone and heard that it is the best singer. May accompany the famous singer in the recording.
Invited her into the car and went to the studio recordings.
Sandy asked the singer to sing with her. She was very happy and willing to sing. chyba dobrze jak dobrze to daj najlepsze.
To accompany in recording famous singer maybe.
she invited her to car and they went to studies of recordings.
Singer asked sendy in order to she sang with her together. She sie made happy very and she sang willingly.
May accompany the famous singer in the recording.
invited her to the car and went to the studio recordings.
Sendy singer asked to sing with her. She is very pleased and happy to sing.
May accompany the famous singer in the recording.
Invited her into the car and went to the studio recordings.
Sandy asked the singer to sing with her. She was very happy and willing to sing.
chyba dobrze
jak dobrze to daj najlepsze.