Napisz w języku angielskim reklamację taka jest tego treść zadana:Zakupiłaś ostatnio produkt od firmy zagranicznej zajmującą się sprzedażą wysyłkową.Niestety produkt ten nie spełnił twoich oczekiwań.Napisz reklamację w której : -opiszesz okoliczności zakupu -podasz dwa powody swojej reklamacji -wyjaśnisz co uczyniłeś już w tej sprawie -podasz dwie opcje rozwiązania jakiego oczekujesz.Proszę o pomoc-pilne
Dear Sir or Madam I am writing because I bought a computer in your internet shop and I am not satisfied. I was waiting for equipment for a month and I should get it after one week. I was writing a lot of e-mails to you but I got any comeback. That was not the end of problems. When I arleady got my purchase I wanted to include a computer but it was not activ. You selled me damaged eguipment. I booked also the loudspeakers, which were not by you emited. Because time of exceptation was too long and I did not get it, what I would like I think that yuo should to exchange utensil to another or give me back my money. I look forward to reacting from you.
I am writing because I bought a computer in your internet shop and I am not satisfied. I was waiting for equipment for a month and I should get it after one week. I was writing a lot of e-mails to you but I got any comeback. That was not the end of problems. When I arleady got my purchase I wanted to include a computer but it was not activ. You selled me damaged eguipment. I booked also the loudspeakers, which were not by you emited. Because time of exceptation was too long and I did not get it, what I would like I think that yuo should to exchange utensil to another or give me back my money. I look forward to reacting from you.
Your faithfully