Thanks for the stuff you send. I am greatful, that it's here now. It arrived a few minutes ago. There weren't any problem with the reciption in ther post. Now i can work again. I have benn waiting so long and i coulden't sleep. I know, that's not your fault. Next time, we should be sending it earlier.
Yours <tu wpisz swoje imię>
Mam nadzieję, że wystarczy taki :) jak coś to napisz mi widomośc dopisze wtedy coś jeszcze
Thanks for the stuff you send. I am greatful, that it's here now. It arrived a few minutes ago. There weren't any problem with the reciption in ther post. Now i can work again. I have benn waiting so long and i coulden't sleep. I know, that's not your fault. Next time, we should be sending it earlier.
<tu wpisz swoje imię>
Mam nadzieję, że wystarczy taki :) jak coś to napisz mi widomośc dopisze wtedy coś jeszcze