Napisz po angielsku właśnie wróciłeś z wakacji a anglii podczas których przeżyłeś przygodę miłosna
Opowiedz znajomej z anglii jak się poznaliście (Okolicz. spotkania
-opisz wygląd tej osoby - co zwrócilo twoją uwagę
- opowiedz o waszej pierwszej kłótni
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I just arrived from England. I met there a nice girl. I was in the bar when she came there. She asked me if she can sit next to me. I agree, We talk a lot of time and she told me that she's from London and she like Poland.
Her name is Kate. She's 17 years old and she's tall. She have a beautifull body. She's slim. She've got a long, blonde hair and big, green eyes.
I like her becouse she's similar to my sister Jenny. We met a few times. When I want to tahe her to the cinema we have had an argument. She want to go on "Scream" move and I saw this film before. I want to go on "Silly boy" movie but she saw this film before. Well, generally we go to a "Green street" movie. This argument and so quickly. I hope that it will never happen again, becouse I don't like a arguments with people who I like.