Napisz po angielsku to co jest poniżej .
Codziennie wyjeżdżałem do pracy na rowerze o 7 . Spędzałem tam po 6 godzin dziennie . Cieżko pracowałem . Musiałem pilnować porządku w hipermarkecie i liczyć pieniądze.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I went to work by bike at 7 o'clock everyday. I spent there 6 hours per day. I was working hard. I had to watch tidiness in the hipermarket and I had to count the money.
Every day I left to cycle to work by 7. I spent there after 6 hours per day. I worked hard. I had to keep order in a supermarket and count the money.