Napisz po angielsku scenkę:
1. w czasie pobytu w anglii zle się poczułeś. idziesz do lekarza, porozmawiaj z nim o swoich dolegliwosciach. omow 4 kwestie.
-mozliwe przyczyny choroby
-twoj tryb zycia
-wplyw choroby na powrot do polski
napisz po angielsku zdania na poniższy temat:
2. a sensible life isn't possible without a sensible diet
do you agree? why? why not? give 3 reasons ( i przykłady)
3. being addicted is like being imprisoned.
Why? why not? 3 reason.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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AD 1.
Hello. Since yesterday I don't feel so good. I mean, I have stomach ache. Is that connected to that I have changed my diet after I had arrived to England ? I am student, I eat very fast and mainly junk food. I would like to visit my parents next week, so I would be very gratefull for possible treatment.
AD 3. Being addicted to something makes you act like a prisoner. For example, smokers need to get out of work or school for a few minutes, even couple times per day. Sometimes, they do not want to smoke anymore, but they need to concentrate on work or everyday life. So, we can say, that they are in prison of their addiction.