Napisz po angielsku krótką wypowiedź o swoim pobycie z rodziną w zakopanem . coś tam , że chodziliśmy po górach, na krupówkach, była ładna pogoda . dużo turystów .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In September I was in Zakopane with my parents. We were going to the mountains, we were at Śnieżka. We visited also Krupówki. The weather was great - it was shiny and warm. But there were a lot of tourists, we even met two of my friends!
I was in zakopane with my family. We went on mountains. It was fantastic . Later we went to Kropwki . I bought on Krupowk a lots of things . The weather was geat . It was veru sunny. I thin that this advanture ti Zakopane was realy good .