Napisz opowiadanie na 130-250 słów po angielsku. Początek ma być taki: It was cold autumn day. I was going back home from school. I to a shortcut through a park. I was geting dark .........
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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It was a cold autumn day. I was going back home from school. I took a shortcut through a park. It was getting dark and I felt endangered, like I was observed or something. I tried to ignore that feeling and go on but with every move I made, I was getting a feeling of being followed. Then I realized that I don't even know where exactly I am. I looked around but I couldn't see anything. only darkness surrounding me from everywhere. I was hearing only rustling of leaves, it was kind of frightening because I remembered that the park never wasn't too big and I definitely couldn't get lost in it. I decided to look for any light between the trees, but the night was so deep. I walked along and then I finally saw a low light. I runned to it and it turned out that it was my brother's car. I got into it expecting to see him but... there wasn't anybody in the vehicle! I changed my sear - I sat on the driver's seat and I wanted to drive away but then I saw my brother in the light of the lamps. He looked terrible! He was bleeding and his clothes were torn. He sat next to me and told me, that nothing is going to be the same since this evening... Then I woke up and went to school.