It is commonly believedthat the telephoneinventedin 1876 byAlexanderGrahamBell.Recentstudies suggestthat thefirst manufacturerof this devicewas an Italian, AntonioMeucci.The factthe fact thatthey bothneededforthespeaker, microphone,cableand electricity.Seeminglysimpleandbrilliantone, aseach invention.You could saythatthanks to thesetwo mastersbeganthe era ofcommunication.Alreadyaround1881NikolaTesladeveloped a prototypedevicefor wireless communication.His researchgave thefoundations for thefuturestructure ofthe radio.About one hundredcustomerscouldcallitthe Stockholm areaand within30 km fromthe city.In 1971, Finlandlaunchedthe first commercialnetworkof zero-generationwireless telephony.
Microsoft windows- popularfamilyof operating systemsproducedby Microsoft.Windows family ofoperatingsystemsforservers, embedded systemsandpersonal computers,whichare usuallyassociated. The presentationof the firstgraphicaloperating environmentof Windowsfrom Microsoftwas conducted in November1985.Thenit was agraphical frontend forthe operating systemMS-DOS[1],was established in responseto the increasing popularityof graphical user interfaces, such as thosepresented, for example,Macintosh computers.Overlay, and laterWindows operating systemafter some timedominated theglobal market forpersonal computers. In January 2010,systemsof Microsoft Windowswere installed on92.02% of the computersin the world [2].Contrastto thePolishdataindicate the level of98.99% [3] for the period18-24 January2010.
It is commonly believedthat the telephoneinventedin 1876 byAlexanderGrahamBell.Recentstudies suggestthat thefirst manufacturerof this devicewas an Italian, AntonioMeucci.The factthe fact thatthey bothneededforthespeaker, microphone,cableand electricity.Seeminglysimpleandbrilliantone, aseach invention.You could saythatthanks to thesetwo mastersbeganthe era ofcommunication.Alreadyaround1881NikolaTesladeveloped a prototypedevicefor wireless communication.His researchgave thefoundations for thefuturestructure ofthe radio.About one hundredcustomerscouldcallitthe Stockholm areaand within30 km fromthe city.In 1971, Finlandlaunchedthe first commercialnetworkof zero-generationwireless telephony.
Microsoft windows- popular family of operating systems produced by Microsoft. Windows family ofoperating systems for servers, embedded systems and personal computers, whichare usually associated.
The presentation of the first graphical operating environment of Windows from Microsoft was conducted in November 1985. Then it was a graphical frontend forthe operating system MS-DOS [1], was established in response to the increasing popularity of graphical user interfaces, such as those presented, for example,Macintosh computers. Overlay, and later Windows operating system after some time dominated the global market for personal computers.
In January 2010, systems of Microsoft Windows were installed on 92.02% of the computers in the world [2]. Contrast to the Polish data indicate the level of 98.99% [3] for the period 18-24 January 2010.