Napisz meil na temat swojego pobytu w londynie.napisz gdzie jesteś?jaak jest?jaki jest hotel i okolice co zrobiłaś wczoraj,co zwiedziłeś,jaka jest pogoda,co zrobiłaa koleżanka co z tobą była?,co robisz w tej chwili,pozdrowienia napisz
I'm in London since a week time I live in a Queens Hotel in Oxford Street. It's really nice . I'm really glad that I have chosen this hotel maybe it's a bit expensive but staff is really helpful. The neighbourhood is really lovely because near to hotel there is a big park. Yesterday I went alone on the underground train for the first time. I went to see a Buckingham Palace. Weather isn't very nice I need to carry my umbrella with me all the time. My colleague who went with me yesterday almost have been heated by a cab. I was scared. Now I'm sitting at the hotel and relaxing .
I'm sending you my beat greetings from London Take care and see you soon
I'm in London since a week time I live in a Queens Hotel in Oxford Street. It's really nice . I'm really glad that I have chosen this hotel maybe it's a bit expensive but staff is really helpful. The neighbourhood is really lovely because near to hotel there is a big park. Yesterday I went alone on the underground train for the first time. I went to see a Buckingham Palace.
Weather isn't very nice I need to carry my umbrella with me all the time. My colleague who went with me yesterday almost have been heated by a cab. I was scared.
Now I'm sitting at the hotel and relaxing .
I'm sending you my beat greetings from London
Take care and see you soon
Kisses .......