Cześć napisz meil do koleżanki której napiszesz ze słyszałeś że dostała pracę jako kelnerka w peru.zapytaj jak się dowiedziała o praacy i kiedy zaczyna i jak się dostanie do peru.napisz odpowiedz w której podziękujesz za meila napiszesz czego nie możesz się doczekać,wyrazisz swoje zdanie co do pobytu tam,poinformujesz kiedy zaczyna pracę i jak dostaniesz się do peru
Hello ...... I heard that you've got a job as a waitress in a restaurant in Peru. Is is possible that you can tell ma how did you heard about this job?When will you start and how will you get to Peru??
Kisses ........
odpowiedz na maila:
Hi there ....... Thank you for your recent e-mail I really can't wait to start my new job. I probably will love Peru I heard that this is a very nice place and people are friendly too. I will start my job on Monday. I will go to Peru by plane.
mail do kolezanki:
Hello ......
I heard that you've got a job as a waitress in a restaurant in Peru.
Is is possible that you can tell ma how did you heard about this job?When will you start and how will you get to Peru??
Kisses ........
odpowiedz na maila:
Hi there .......
Thank you for your recent e-mail
I really can't wait to start my new job. I probably will love Peru I heard that this is a very nice place and people are friendly too. I will start my job on Monday. I will go to Peru by plane.
Kind Regards ........