Napisz list do znajomego z Anglii:
-przeproś że dawno nie pisałeś i zapytaj się jak znajomy radzi sobie w nowej pracy
-poinformuj że w przyszłym roku będziesz zdawał egzamin z j. angielskiego i poproś o przesłanie kilku czasopism
-powiadom go co planujesz robić po zakończeniu nauki w szkol średniej uzasadnij swój wybór
-wspomnij o wspólnie spędzonych wakacjach i wyraz nadzieje na ponowne spotkanie
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hey Jay ,
sorry sorrythatI have notwritten long ago because i haven't time to do this because i had too much education and too many exams and a lot ofotherresponsibilities. How are you ? All is well with your health , you aren't sick? I hope. How do you copein your new job , the boss is forgiving ? Jay , you know in thenext year,Iseemedveryimportant examinEnglish languagethatbasically aboutmy furthereducationorgoingto college , i hope pass this exam the best , i hope. Irequesttoyou : Could yousend mesomeliterallyfiveor sixmagazinesorjournals.These thingsarereallyneededme,becauseI have tocomplete therequirednumber ofmaterials for thewritten part of thepreviouslymentionedmyexam.Sendmetoany, ofanythicknessandthemes.Aftergraduation,I plantogotosomestudies, perhapsinEnglish philologyGermanicablo,I do not knowit yet,but this iswhatstudiestogetonly depend on theoutcomeof thisterriblyimportantexamnext year.I hopethat justsuchastudyI getbecauseI want topursuefurtherlanguagestudyandtry toknowmore. Remember therecentvacation.It was wonderful,trulymemorablemonth.Warmsea,dostkonałefood,plenty oftourist attractions andiseverythingina veryaffordableprice.And it is,could yousend mepicturesofAthens,much as I'daskedyouaboutit.
Sorry , i must end my letter.
I hope we will meet soon.
Bye , (twoje imie)
PS. Don't forget send to me magzines..