Napisz list do znajomego w którym opowiesz o wydarzeniu, którego byłeś świadkiem. Mają byc zawarte odpowiedzi na pytania:
1. Co to było za przestępstwo?
2. Kto był przestępcą?
3. Co oni zrobili?
4. Kto był ofiarą?
5. co się stało?
6. czy policja schwytała przestępców? jeśli tak to jak.
Proszę o szybką odp.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Yesterday I was going to home and I see men, whose was running very quickly. I went closer and I saw a body of a human! There was a lot of blood. I quickly phoned to police. They were there 5 minutes later. Policeman asked me who was the offender, I said so it was tall man, he was wearing black jacket and he lefted on street Mikołaja Kopernika. The police quickly went to catch the offender. I went to home, and the next day after that I was watching TV and presenter said so they catch the offender when he was leaving him home. I was really happy from that message. That was unusual evening...