napisz list do kolegi z anglii w ktorym zaproszisz go na dni wielkiej brytanii w twojej szkole. Z uwzglednienie terminu programu i dajazdu w jezeyku angielskim max 50 słow
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sam
I'm writing you, because in my school will be ''The days of Great Britain'' and I want to invite you here. The festival will in 15 of April to 22 of April in ... (nazwa twojej szkoły). Come here at 12.00 by what you can. I will happy if I could see you. Oh and I can't tell you what is in program, because it's suprise :)
Greetings from Poland,
... (twoje imie)
Dear Jenny,
I'm writing to invite you to my school in Poland. We are going to have "The week of Great Britain". It starts this Monday (25 Jan) at 9 o'clock. The students are going to present national dishes made by themselves. Later we are going to sing popular English songs. I think you can get here by plane if your parents let you go. I hope you will come and have a great time with me !
Love, XYZ