Napisz krótką historię o duchach ( wymyślona) np. byłeś u kolegi na wakacjach, a jak przebudziłeś się w nocy to zobaczyłeś dwa duchy, opisz jak one wyglądają i dalczego cię odwiedziły. Plss jak najszybciej... I bez wygłupów.
Z góry dzięki.
P.S. Oczywiście po angielsku..... na pół strony- ewentualnie strona w zeszycie :D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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When i was on holiday at my friend i saw two ghosts , they are looked as normal people . First of them was ghost with past and told me about different things for example : about him family , friends and work . He told a good things about him past , this was nice experience . I thought that this wasnt normal that visited me ghosts but world is amazing ;) Second of them was with future and told me about things which will be in future for example : erthquake or flood , this wasnt funny . Sum up first of them was a part wear : he had only blouse and jeans , he hadnt boots . Second of them had in shabby clothes . I think that they visited me because they want told about threat and present life and We must appreciate what we have .