Napisz artykuł o wizycie w jakimś zmyślonym budynku
W 1-szym akapicie : musi być wstęp w 2-im: historia (z 3 zdaniowa) w 3: opis zewnętrzny budynku w 4: atrakcje jakie można tam znaleźć w 5: własne, krótkie zdanie
Two days ago, I was in the best hotel ever built. There was everything what your imagine can catch! Firstly, I went to my room. It was really big! Than I unpacked my rucksuck and quickly ran to eat supper. The hotel was called "The Grand Palace". It was about 30 metres high! There were planty rooms. It's painted white with some orange towers. Inside, you can find four swimming-pools indoor and five outdoor. Moreover, there is a huge casino and, my favourite - Ping-pong tables! In my opinion, the hotel was brilliant! Clear swimming-pools, greate food and kind servis is the all I need to rest!
Firstly, I went to my room. It was really big! Than I unpacked my rucksuck and quickly ran to eat supper.
The hotel was called "The Grand Palace". It was about 30 metres high! There were planty rooms. It's painted white with some orange towers.
Inside, you can find four swimming-pools indoor and five outdoor. Moreover, there is a huge casino and, my favourite - Ping-pong tables!
In my opinion, the hotel was brilliant! Clear swimming-pools, greate food and kind servis is the all I need to rest!