Napisz 10 zdań porównawczych np. Ten czerwony dlugopis jest chudszy od zielonego markera 20 punktów dam :)
This needle is thinner since then pin. This book is thicker from that notebook. Polish language is more difficult than English. Furniture from the store are purer than those of the advertisements on the internet. Phone from Samsung is better than what is brand Nokia. Mathematics notebook is thinner than notebook with drawings. Kim has a more intense color hair than Sarah. Summer is warmer than winter. Glass is sharper than a razor blade. The snow is colder than the rain. LICZĘ NA NAJ!
This book is thicker from that notebook.
Polish language is more difficult than English.
Furniture from the store are purer than those of the advertisements on the internet.
Phone from Samsung is better than what is brand Nokia.
Mathematics notebook is thinner than notebook with drawings.
Kim has a more intense color hair than Sarah.
Summer is warmer than winter.
Glass is sharper than a razor blade.
The snow is colder than the rain.