September 2018 2 44 Report

Napissz pytania do zaznaczonych części zdań , używając where,when lub what


We have English classes on Mandays
When do you have English classes ?

1. Alison works in London

2. My father and his friends go fishing on Sundays

3.My mother asks us to do the shopping on Saturdays

4.We have fish lunch on Fridays

5.The boys play football after school

zad 2

Napisz w zeszycie zdania według wzoru używając przymiotników z ramki w stopniu najwyższym i uzasadniając swoją opinię


The friendliest person I know is Joanna
She always smiles and helps other people

lucky , old , intelligent , noisy , strong , attractive , busy , tall , funny

zad 3

Uzupełnij list , który napisała do ciebie Louisa.Dla ułatwienia podano pierwsze litery brakujących słów

Dear____________ ,

My name is Louisa and I c________ from Manchester .

I'm 16 years old and I'm a student at a secondary school in Moss Side.

My mother w_______ as a recptionist at a doctor's surgey.My

Father is music teacher . He also p_________ the piano in a jazz

club t_______ a week , on friday ans Saturday . My brother sean is

seventeen. He d________ go to the same school as me He g_______

to the local college theree days s w________ I p_____ volleyball

and tennis . What about you D_________ you like misic and the

cinema . I like pop music very much but I d_____ play a mussical

instrument . I love romantic films and I h_________ science fuction

films . Jonny Depp is my fovourite actor .

Plasse write to me and tell me

about yourself .

Best wishes


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