1. TIED UP - very busy 2. GET BACK TO SOMEBODY - call somebody 3. PUT THROUGH - connect someone to the person they want to speak to 4. CUT OFF - our connection was lost 5. READ BACK TO - read someone the information they got to confirm it 6. WILL YOU HOLD - can you wait / stay on the line for some time 7. THERE'S SOME INTERFERENCE - we have some connection problems. / I'LL HANG UP - I will disconnect 8. FAINT - connection which isn't clear or strong enough so you can understand what the other person is saying / SPEAK UP - speak louder 9. BEAR WITH ME - wait for me until I have finished 10. PUT OFF - cancel
2. GET BACK TO SOMEBODY - call somebody
3. PUT THROUGH - connect someone to the person they want to speak to
4. CUT OFF - our connection was lost
5. READ BACK TO - read someone the information they got to confirm it
6. WILL YOU HOLD - can you wait / stay on the line for some time
7. THERE'S SOME INTERFERENCE - we have some connection problems. / I'LL HANG UP - I will disconnect
8. FAINT - connection which isn't clear or strong enough so you can understand what the other person is saying / SPEAK UP - speak louder
9. BEAR WITH ME - wait for me until I have finished
10. PUT OFF - cancel