Na forach internetowych dla rodziców przeważa opinia, że współczesna młodzież jest zbyt pochłonięta zabawą, nauką i zarabianiem pieniędzy. Nie ma tym samym czasu na refleksje nad ważnymi problemami natury moralno-etycznej. Napisz rozprawkę, w której omówisz różne aspekty tego zagadnienia.
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Nowadays on internet forums you can read that teenagers spend too much time on partying, having fun either studying or earning money. They have no time for reflections. Some of them ask 'Why should we worry about adult's matters?' other say 'We are too young to spend time on thinking about things which are not ours'. It is true for some of them, but obviously not for everyone.
We can not deny. Young people are busy with their own lives. They start school when they are 6 or 7 and continue studying untill they are atleast 19. Doing homeworks and studying for exams takes most of their time. Meanwhile they want to stress out so they go to parties, meet friends and chill out. When they are done with school or university they start looking for work. This keep them busy too. Earning money and achieving goals are main things in their lives.
Other students, since the very begin want to participate in social life. They are members of some organizations and they care about issues and problems of moral and ethical nature. They find time to fix some perplexities, care about environment or other's lives.
Many people give general opinion, which is not always true. When they associate with irresponsible people they tend to say everyone else is like that. But there are also people who are totally opposition of the first group.