Muszę odpowiedzieć na następujące pytania związane z tym tekstem, ale kompletnie go nie rozumiem. Mógłby mi ktoś pomóc, albo chociaż podkreślić w tekście odnośniki do tych pytań, będe wdzięczna!!!
1. What was Heidemarie's job? 2. What possessions does she have now? 3. How did the experiment start? 4.Where has she lived since the experiment started? 5.Does she still work? 6. What does she do when she needs something? 7. What is she trying to show with her experiment? 8. What did she do with the money she earned from her book?
At the age of 54 Hidemarie gave up her jobs as a psychotherapist gave away all her money and her flat and threw away her credit cards. Today, apart from a few clothes (three sweaters, two skirts, two pairs of shoes, and coat) and few personal belongings, she doesn't own anything.
It all began as a one year experiment. In her home city of Dortmund she set up a swapping circle where people swap services witout using monez, for example, a haircut for a matematics class. To prove that this could work she decided to give up using monez for a year. But when the year ended she continued and has not used money since then.
At first house-sat for friends who were on holiday. She stayed in their house in return for watering the plants and looking after their animals. At the moment she is staying in a student residence where she can sleep, have a shower, or use a computer in return for cooking for the young people who live there. She also 'works' as psychotherapist 'Before' I treated very wealthy people but now I elp anyone who turns up. Sometimes they give me someting in return, but not always.
Heidemarie says ' I can live thanks to my contacts. A lot of people who know me understand what I'm doing and want to help me. When I need a bus ticket, for example, or a new tube of toothpaste I think, "Who can I ask? What can I give them in return"? If I want to go to the cinema, I might offer to look after somebody's children for the afternoon.
It is one of the mistakes of our socienty that most people do something they don't like just to earn money and spend it on tings they don't need. Many people judge you according to how much you earn. In mu opinion, all jobs are qually important. You may not earn a lot of money but you may be worth a lot as person. That's my message.'
So what did she do with all the money she earned from the sales of My life without money?
'I gave it all away...'
1. she was psychotherapist 2. she has got only few clothes (three sweaters, two skirts, two pairs of shoes, and coat) 3. she diceded to live without using money 4. in Dortmund 5. no, she doesn't 6. she asked people if shee need something, if they can help her or if she can do something for them return. 7. she is trying to show that you don't have to having very much money, you should be good person . "You may not earn a lot of money but you may be worth a lot as person." 8. she gave it all away
ewentualnie mozesz dac to w pelnych zdaniach, pozmieniac, ale mysle, ze sens jest dobry.
2. she has got only few clothes (three sweaters, two skirts, two pairs of shoes, and coat)
3. she diceded to live without using money
4. in Dortmund
5. no, she doesn't
6. she asked people if shee need something, if they can help her or if she can do something for them return.
7. she is trying to show that you don't have to having very much money, you should be good person . "You may not earn a lot of money but you may be worth a lot as person."
8. she gave it all away
ewentualnie mozesz dac to w pelnych zdaniach, pozmieniac, ale mysle, ze sens jest dobry.