Muszę napisac list z anglika...
1.Okresl jaki sport zacząłes uprawiac i dlaczego.
2.Napisz,ile czasu poswiecasz na ten sport i gdzie go uprawiasz.(moze byc siatka)
3.Napisz jakie są możliwości uprawiania sportu w Twojej miejscowosci i jakie sporty lubią Twoi znajomi.
4.Dowiedz się, jakie sporty są popularne w Anglii i jaki sport uprawia Twoj znajomy.
Błagam, pomóżcie mi szybko.! Daje Naaj.!^^
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi John
How are you? I hope your fine. I write to you becouse I want speak John that I playing volleyball.This is very good sport.I playing volleybol 2 hours every day and one hours in the school becouse i going to ''Sports School''. I playing volleyball to school gym. In my city we can playing a football , hockey and basketball.My friend most like football becouse in my city is a lot of court.How do you like sport? How English people like sports? I look forward to fast reply.
Your best friend