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Napisz list do koleżanki/kolegi z Anglii, w którym podasz jej/mu przepis na twoje ulubione danie. Podaj jakich skłądników będziesz potrzebować oraz jak to danie przygotować i podać. Podziękuj też za pyszne cisato, które przygotował na twoje ostatnie urodziny oraz poproś o przekaznie pozdrowień dla członków jego rodziny. LIMIT SŁÓW 120-150.
ODPOWIEDŹ NA PYTANIA W KILKU ZDANIACH (3-5): 1. What are the adventages and disadventages of being treated in hospital? 2. What are the typical health problems of old people? 3. What do you most often eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper? 4. What should people eat to be healthy?
Hi Jane! Oh god...you cant imagine how delicious was your cake! My mum sad it was the best cake which she have ever ate. Your culinary skills are very well. Ok I would like to send you my recipe. It is a salad called "gyros". You need: *breast of a chicken *Chinese cabbage * pickled cucumbers *one big onion *ketchup and mayonnaise It is very easy: Breast of a chicken you must cut into pieces and fry with onion until golden-brown. This fried breast put into a dish. Next you must put in layers: sliced into pieces cucumbers, onion, ketchup, mayonnaise and finely chopped Chinese cabbage. I hope you will like my recipe :) Your was the best. You must send me an answer what do you think and please, give your family my love. Kisses, xyz
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1. hospital, like most things in the world have adventages and disadventages. beginning from the bright side, you can eat well and rest peacefully with full medical assistance. on the other hand, you can't stay with family all the time and you have to obey all the hospital rules.
2. health is one of the most important feature of life. unluckily older people, with time are beginning to be overgrown by little, simple inconveniences like rheumatism or backaches. the most typical problems that affects old people are for example losing sharpness of vision, decreased physical condition or vulnerability to lesser infections
3. my daily meal plan is varied. starting from breakfast-boiled egg with sandwich. on lunch, i usually have mashed potatoes with some poultry and vegetables. on dinner and supper i am having toasts with tomatoes, lettuce cheese and ham.
4. to be healthy people should eat varied diets. they should't contain much of sugars and fats, also number of meals should be around 5. the food piramid and diet plans can be very helpful to make our decision-remember: you are what you eat!
Oh god...you cant imagine how delicious was your cake! My mum sad it was the best cake which she have ever ate. Your culinary skills are very well. Ok I would like to send you my recipe. It is a salad called "gyros". You need:
*breast of a chicken
*Chinese cabbage
* pickled cucumbers
*one big onion
*ketchup and mayonnaise
It is very easy:
Breast of a chicken you must cut into pieces and fry with onion until golden-brown. This fried breast put into a dish. Next you must put in layers: sliced into pieces cucumbers, onion, ketchup, mayonnaise and finely chopped Chinese cabbage.
I hope you will like my recipe :) Your was the best.
You must send me an answer what do you think and please, give your family my love. Kisses, xyz
2. health is one of the most important feature of life. unluckily older people, with time are beginning to be overgrown by little, simple inconveniences like rheumatism or backaches. the most typical problems that affects old people are for example losing sharpness of vision, decreased physical condition or vulnerability to lesser infections
3. my daily meal plan is varied. starting from breakfast-boiled egg with sandwich. on lunch, i usually have mashed potatoes with some poultry and vegetables. on dinner and supper i am having toasts with tomatoes, lettuce cheese and
4. to be healthy people should eat varied diets. they should't contain much of sugars and fats, also number of meals should be around 5. the food piramid and diet plans can be very helpful to make our decision-remember: you are what you eat!