Mam prośbę, do jutra muszę mieć to przetłumaczone na j. angielski na rano, pomoże ktoś? Odpowiedzi proszę na mail [email protected] Mój dom stoi w Stargardzie Szczecińskim na ulicy Bema. To dosyć mały dwupiętrowy budynek.Prócz mojej rodziny mieszka tam jeszcze kilkudziesięciu innych lokatorów. Kamienica jest szara, jedynie niewielkie fragmenty nad kilkoma oknami od frontu są pomalowane w różne kolory. Sąsiadują z nim budynki różnych firm oraz ciąg garaży. Ulica na której mieszkam jest w centrum miasta. Niedaleko mojego domu jest dworzec kolejowy, centrum handlowe oraz kilka banków. W moim mieście jest dużo zabytków, kilka kościołów, stadion lekkoatletyczny, amfiteatr, hala sportowa oraz starówka. Przez Stargard przepływa rzeka Ina. Miasto leży w województwie zachodnipomorskim. Miastem wojewódzkim jest Szczecin. Moje miasto jest trzecie w województwie pod względem liczby ludności. Mieszka tu prawie 70 000 ludzi.
My house is on the street Stargard Bema. It's quite a small two-story budynek.Prócz my family still lives there dozens of other tenants. The house is gray, only small portions of several windows in the front are painted in different colors. Buildings adjacent to the string of different companies and garages. I live on a street in the city center. Near my house is a train station, shopping center and several banks. In my town there is a lot of monuments, a few churches, athletic stadium, amphitheater, sports hall and the old town. By Ina River flows Stargard. The town is located in the province of zachodnipomorskim. Is the county town of Szczecin. My city is the third in the region in terms of population. Lived here for almost 70 000 people.
My house stands in Stargard Szczeciński on the street Bema.
This is quite a small two-story building.
In addition to my family lives there still dozens of other of tenants.
Tenement house is gray, only a small fragments of several windows in the front are painted in different colors.
Adjacent with buildings of different companies and a string of garages.
I live on a street in the city center.
Near my house is a railroad station, shopping center and several banks.
In my town there is a lot of monuments, a few churches, athletic stadium, amphitheater and sports hall.
By Stargard flows Ina River.
The city lies in West Pomerania province.
Szczecin is the county town.
My city is the third in the province in terms of population. Lives here almost 70 000 people.
My house is on the street Stargard Bema. It's quite a small two-story budynek.Prócz my family still lives there dozens of other tenants. The house is gray, only small portions of several windows in the front are painted in different colors. Buildings adjacent to the string of different companies and garages. I live on a street in the city center. Near my house is a train station, shopping center and several banks. In my town there is a lot of monuments, a few churches, athletic stadium, amphitheater, sports hall and the old town. By Ina River flows Stargard. The town is located in the province of zachodnipomorskim. Is the county town of Szczecin. My city is the third in the region in terms of population. Lived here for almost 70 000 people.
Mam nadyiej e pomogem !!!