Pilne !! kupiłaś przez internet przedmiot ale nie jesteś z niego zadowolony. napisz e-mail do sprzedającego: - określ co i kiedy kupiłaś , - podaj powód swojego niezadowolenia ( 3 przykłady ) - opisz problem związany z dostawą zakupu ( 3 przykłady ) podać 2 przykłady rozwiązania problemu i wyrazić nadzieję na szybkie rozwiązanie problemu Długość tekstu powinna liczyć od 80 do 130 słów nie licząc podanych zdań :
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain anitem I bought from you. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Thank you for your help. Your sfaith fully, XYZ
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about the service providetd by your company. I bought a pair of headphones( model; VS-G-21-BLUE) from your website on 12ty February. They arrived the nezt day, but when I tried them, they did not work. I am very disappointed with your service. I do not want another pair of headphones from your company. I would be grateful if you could send me a full refund for the headphones andthe cost od sending them back. Yours fauthfully, XYZ
I am writing to complain about the service providetd by your company.
I bought a pair of headphones( model; VS-G-21-BLUE) from your website on 12ty February. They arrived the nezt day, but when I tried them, they did not work.
I am very disappointed with your service. I do not want another pair of headphones from your company. I would be grateful if you could send me a full refund for the headphones andthe cost od sending them back.
Yours fauthfully,