List formalny :) Przeczytałaś zamieszczone w internecie ogłoszenie dotyczące obozu narciarskiego za granicą. Chciałabys tam pojechać. potrzebujesz jednak bardziej szczegółowych informacji . napisz list do organizatora obozu. w liście napisz. * poinformuj że dowiedziałeś się o planowanym obozie i określ w jakim celu piszesz list * zapytasz o warunki zakwaterowania oraz koszt dwutygodniowego pobytu na obozie * * poinformujesz że jesteś początkującym jeżdżącym na nartach * zapytasz o możliwość skorzystania z pomocy instruktora * podasz termin obozu najbardziej Ci odpowiadający i zapytasz czy są może wolne miejsca w tym terminie. dam naj:) od 120 do 150 słów.
I am writing in connection with your advertisement regards to ski camp abroad which apeared in internet yesterday.I am very interested in coming there .
Could you tell me more detales about it as quickly as you could?Could you tell me something about accommadation:What conditionals there are?Is there flat furnished?Is there room with view of mountains?Is there access to internet?Is brakfast included?How much cost room per two weeks?
I would like to take first sky lessons becouse I am begginer.It is possible to take trainer with me to teach me sky driving.?How much must I pay for it?Are there any discouts for students?
Addictionally I woluld like to get know if you have rooms anvailable on 23.06.2012?
Dear Organizer
I am writing in connection with your advertisement regards to ski camp abroad which apeared in internet yesterday.I am very interested in coming there .
Could you tell me more detales about it as quickly as you could?Could you tell me something about accommadation:What conditionals there are?Is there flat furnished?Is there room with view of mountains?Is there access to internet?Is brakfast included?How much cost room per two weeks?
I would like to take first sky lessons becouse I am begginer.It is possible to take trainer with me to teach me sky driving.?How much must I pay for it?Are there any discouts for students?
Addictionally I woluld like to get know if you have rooms anvailable on 23.06.2012?
I look forward to hearing from you
yours fathfuly