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Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan Tema Tema yang tergambar dalam novel surat kecil untuk tuhan ini adalah perjuangan seorang remaja dalam melawan penyakitnya (kanker), akan tetapi memiliki semangat untuk hidup yang hebat
Setting/Latar Latar tempat : Penggambaran latar tempat dalam novel ini adalah di Kota Jakarta. lebih tepatnya di kawasan Green Garden-Jakarta menuju ke Pedagang Kaki lima. Latar waktu : Latar waktu dalam novel ini adalah pagi, siang dan malam hari Suasana kejadian : Kesedihan, membahagiakan dan mengharukan
Alur/Plot Dari kutipan di novel ini mempunyai alur yang bersifat maju. alur cerita disusun berdasarkan urutan waktu yang berjalan ke depan. Bukan berbalik ke masa lampau/lalu.
Sudut pandang Sudut pandang yang digunakan dalam novel ini adalah orang pertama pelaku utama yakni “aku” Dapat dibuktikan dari sepenggal kata berikut : Hai sobat… Kenalkan. Namaku Ginta Sesa Wanda Cantika. Terlalu panjang ya …. Ok! Supaya gampang sebut saja namaku keke.
Amanat yang terkandung dalam novel surat kecil untuk tuhan > Amanat yang terdapat dalam novel ini adalah jangan mudah menyerah dalam menjalani hidup ini, walau harus menderita. > Syukuri dengan apa yang telah kamu miliki karena belum tentu orang lain memiliki apa yang kamu miliki .
b. Nilai Moral Dalam novel ini terkandung nilai moral yang sangat baik, yakni ketika teman kekek mengejeknya, ia tetap diam dan hanya tersenyum dengan ejekan itu. pada waktu keke jatuh sakit teman yang mengejeknya memberi dukungan kepada keke untuk tetap kuat dan bertahan untuk menghadapi penyakitnya.
1. Latar belakang pengarang novel Agnes Dovanar ialah seorang fenomenal dalam dunia sastra. ia mengawali karirnya sebagai seorang penulis amatir di sebuah blog. Kemudian dengan cepat berkembang menjadi penulis yang mau belajar sampai melahirkan novel ini dan 42 cerita pendek yang begitu melekat bagi semua pembaca blognya. Tidak heran jika sebuah kutipan dari sebuah portal infotmasi mengatakan “bahwa tidak sulit untuk mencari karya dari seorang Agnes Davonar”. Keunikan sendiri terdapat dalam nama pengarang Agnes Davonar. Agnes berasal dari namanya. sedangkan davonar diambil dari sebuah nama adiknya. bisa dikatakan mereka berdua adalah saudara yang bersatu dalam meniti sebuah karya. Agnes Lahir di jakarta pada tanggal 8 Oktober sedangkan adiknya Dovanor lahir di jakarta pada tanggal, 7 Agustus. Mereka berdua adalh saudara yang ahli dalam bidang seni. Ayahnya adalah seotang pelukis kaligrafi China sedangkan ibunya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga yang tangguh.
Gaya Bahasa Gaya bahasa yang terdapat dalam novel ini cukup bagus. Dengan kecerdasan kalimat dan kelembutan bahasa tanpa adanya unsur repitif yang membosankan. Setiap kata yang tercurahkan memiliki banyak bahasa sekaligus makna apik yang berbeda disetiap balik kalimat-kalimatnya.
A small letter for the God. Theme This theme is about a journey about a teenager fights her sick (Cancer),.but she has the spirit to live.
Settings/plan Background: The background of this novel is Jakarta city. Right on at the Green Garden-Jakarta to "Pedagang Kaki Lima". Time: The time of this novel is day, afternoon and night. Socialism: Sadness and happiness.
Plot In this novel, has a forward plot. This plot is arranged to be forward to the future. Not back to the history.
Sight corner The sight corner which is used in this novel is the first person, is "I". It can be proven by this sentence: Hi friends... let me to introduce myself. My name is Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika. Is it too long? OK! To be easier, just call me Keke.
Messages in this novel >The message in this novel is to don't give up at live on this life, even it needs to suffer. >Be grateful with all you have because it's not sure people have what you have.
b. Moral of the story The moral of this story is very helpful, exampling Keke's friend is mocking at her, but she still calm and smile with that mock. When Keke fell sick her friend who mocked her supports her to keep up the spirit to stay strong and face her sick.
Writer's background Agnes Dovanar is a phenomenal in writing world. She start her career as an amateur writer in a blog. Then, quickly grows as a writer who decided to learn until this novel is published and 42 short stories those are so attached to her blog reader. Not surprised that there's a quote from portal says,"It's not hard to look for a writing from an Agnes Davonar,". A unique fact found in her name. Agnes is her name, and Davonar is taken from her sibling. They can be said as the siblings who are walking on the same way. Agnes born in Jakarta on 8 October while her sibling, Dovanor born in Jakarta on 7 August. Her father is a Chinese calligraphy man while her mother is a tough housewife.
Language style The language style in this novel is pretty good. With the cleverness sentences and the gentle words without any boring repeat. Every word written has many languages also the different meanings behind the sentences.
This theme is about a journey about a teenager fights her sick (Cancer),.but she has the spirit to live.
Background: The background of this novel is Jakarta city. Right on at the Green Garden-Jakarta to "Pedagang Kaki Lima".
Time: The time of this novel is day, afternoon and night.
Socialism: Sadness and happiness.
In this novel, has a forward plot. This plot is arranged to be forward to the future. Not back to the history.
Sight corner
The sight corner which is used in this novel is the first person, is "I".
It can be proven by this sentence: Hi friends... let me to introduce myself. My name is Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika. Is it too long? OK! To be easier, just call me Keke.
Messages in this novel
>The message in this novel is to don't give up at live on this life, even it needs to suffer.
>Be grateful with all you have because it's not sure people have what you have.
b. Moral of the story
The moral of this story is very helpful, exampling Keke's friend is mocking at her, but she still calm and smile with that mock. When Keke fell sick her friend who mocked her supports her to keep up the spirit to stay strong and face her sick.
Writer's background
Agnes Dovanar is a phenomenal in writing world. She start her career as an amateur writer in a blog. Then, quickly grows as a writer who decided to learn until this novel is published and 42 short stories those are so attached to her blog reader. Not surprised that there's a quote from portal says,"It's not hard to look for a writing from an Agnes Davonar,". A unique fact found in her name. Agnes is her name, and Davonar is taken from her sibling. They can be said as the siblings who are walking on the same way.
Agnes born in Jakarta on 8 October while her sibling, Dovanor born in Jakarta on 7 August.
Her father is a Chinese calligraphy man while her mother is a tough housewife.
Language style
The language style in this novel is pretty good. With the cleverness sentences and the gentle words without any boring repeat. Every word written has many languages also the different meanings behind the sentences.
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