Chcesz zaprosić kolege/koleżanke z Hiszpanii z którą/którym korespondondujesz do Polski na ferie zimowe. Napisz e-mail a w nim : - zaproś go/ją do polski -zaproponuj sposoby spędzania wolnego czasu Wyraź nadzieję , że kolega/koleżanka przyjedzie w okresie ferii zimowych. PROSZE TYLKO SZYBKO!!! TEN E-MAIL MA BYĆ PO ANGIELSKU NAJLEPIEJ ŻEBY BYŁO TO JESZCZE NA DZISIAJ !!!
I have winter holiday in February. Do you wanna visit me? Probably you never seen a real winter! I'll show you my city. In (tutaj wpisz nazwę miejscowości w której mieszkasz, albo coś zmyśl) is very beautiful! We'll throw a snowball, but when will be ugly weather, we can go to the coffee or visit a museum.
I want to invite you to Poland. There are winter holindays now here so I hope you will visit me as soon as possible. winter holidays are really excinting in Poland , there is always lot of snow so we can go on a trip in polish mountains, we can skiing,snowboarding and riding fast on ice.
Hi Marcos!
I have winter holiday in February. Do you wanna visit me? Probably you never seen a real winter! I'll show you my city. In (tutaj wpisz nazwę miejscowości w której mieszkasz, albo coś zmyśl) is very beautiful! We'll throw a snowball, but when will be ugly weather, we can go to the coffee or visit a museum.
I hope that you answer me positive!
Dear Peter!
I want to invite you to Poland. There are winter holindays now here so I hope you will visit me as soon as possible. winter holidays are really excinting in Poland , there is always lot of snow so we can go on a trip in polish mountains, we can skiing,snowboarding and riding fast on ice.
I hope you will get here in next week ..