1. Usupełnij dialogi, wstawiajac zdania a-h.
a) You should ask dad.
b) I mustn't go out this week.
c) Can I bring it later?
d) Can you lend me some money?
e) You can finish it next week.
g) Sorry, I really can't.
h) But we have to talk about yhis tomorrow morning?
A. Would you like to come to my party romorrow night.
B. (1) _____________.
A. Why not?
B. I'm grounded. (2)_____________.
A. Oh, pity.
A: I'd like to see your project, Mick.
B. I'm sorry, but it's not ready yet. (3) _________
A. Oh, all right. (4)___________.
B. Thank you.
A. I know I'm late. I'm sorry.
B. (5)__________ It's already past midnight! Next time don't make promises if you can't keep them.
A. You're right. I'm really sorry.
B. OK, go tobed now. (6)__________.
A. (7) ____________
B. Sorry, I can't. I have to pay for my dancing class this week. (8) _____________.
A. Forget it. You know he hates lending monwy.
2. Uzupełnij ialogi zgodnie z poleceniami z nawiasów.
A. Let's go to the cinema this afternoon.
B. Przeproś. że nie możesz i wyjaśnij, że musisz zaopiekować się (look after) młodszą siostra
a) _______________________________________________________________
A. Zapytaj brata/siostrę, czy możesz skorzystać (use) z jego/jej komputera.
b) ________________________________________________________________?
B. Well, I'm not sure. Wyjaśnij, że musisz skończyć projekt nad którym wlaśnie pracujesz.
c) _______________________________________________________________
A. I think my brother's in trouble at school.
Poproś kolegę/koleżankę o radę.
B. Well, you can't ignore this problem, that's fot sure.
A. Poproś kolege/koleżankę o pożyczenie (lend) ci pieniędzy.
e) ________________________________________________________________?
B. Ok. Wyjaśnij, że kolega/koleżanka musi ci oddać pieniądze (pay me back) w przyszłym tygodniu.
f) _______________________________________________________________.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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5)f <-- nie było f, więc nie jestem pewna kilku.
a)I'm sorry I can't. I have to look after my younger sister.
b)Can I use your computer?
c)I must end my project on which I'm working.
d)Can you advise me what should I do?
e)Can you lend me some money?
f)Ok, but you have to pay me back next week.
mam nadzieję, że pomogłam ; )
h) But we have to talk about yhis tomorrow morning?
A. Would you like to come to my party romorrow night.
B. (1)g.Sorry, I really can't.
A. Why not?
B. I'm grounded. (2) b) I mustn't go out this week
A. Oh, pity.
A: I'd like to see your project, Mick.
B. I'm sorry, but it's not ready yet. (3) c) Can I bring it later?
A. Oh, all right. (4) e) You can finish it next week.
B. Thank you.
A. I know I'm late. I'm sorry.
B. (5)h) But we have to talk about this tomorrow morning? It's already past midnight! Next time don't make promises if you can't keep them.
A. You're right. I'm really sorry.
B. OK, go to bed now. (6)___________________tu brakuje jednego!
A. (7) d) Can you lend me some money?
B. Sorry, I can't. I have to pay for my dancing class this week. (8) a) You should ask dad.
A. Forget it. You know he hates lending monwy.
A. Let's go to the cinema this afternoon.
B. Przeproś. że nie możesz i wyjaśnij, że musisz zaopiekować się (look after) młodszą siostra
a) Sorry, I can't becouse I have to look after my younger sister.
A. Zapytaj brata/siostrę, czy możesz skorzystać (use) z jego/jej komputera.
b) Can I use your computer ?
B. Well, I'm not sure. Wyjaśnij, że musisz skończyć projekt nad którym wlaśnie pracujesz.
c) Please, I have to finish my project.
A. I think my brother's in trouble at school.
Poproś kolegę/koleżankę o radę.
d) Howdo you think,what I should do now?
B. Well, you can't ignore this problem, that's fot sure.
A. Poproś kolege/koleżankę o pożyczenie (lend) ci pieniędzy.
e) Can you lend me some money?
B. Ok. Wyjaśnij, że kolega/koleżanka musi ci oddać pieniądze (pay me back) w przyszłym tygodniu.
f)Ok,but you must pay me back this money in next week.