You are at a clothes market with a friend. Choose something to buy from the words below. Use the phrases below to write a dialogue.
a hata ; scarf ; a dress ; a handbag ; a bracelet ; a jacket
Can I have this one please?
What size?
Can I try it on please?
The changing room is over there.
It's a bit too big.
What about a scarf?
Can I help you?
Chyba trzeba napisać dialog. Jednakże nie wiem dokładnie o co chodzi, dlatego proszę o zrobienie tego jak najszybciej!
Use the phrases to write sentences.
earn money from my part-time job
get money from my parents
put money in my bank account
save money by looking for bargains
spend money on clothes and going out
Przykład. :
I earn money from my part-time job in a shop.
Proszę o sensowne zdania. Bedę usuwać zdania nie składajace się gramatycznie .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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-How can I help you?
-Could I have this dress?
-What size?
-Size 10 please. Where can I try it?
-The changing room is over there.
-Thank you a lot. Well, it seems to be too small. Can I try size 12?
-Of course, here you are.
-This one fits perfectly. Could I ask for this bracelet too?
-It matches perfectly. Thank you. How much do I pay?
-56 pounds please.
2.I usually get money from my parents.
I never put money in my bank account.
I always save money by looking for bargains.
I spend most of the money on clothes and going on.