Napisz przykładową rozmowę zgodnie z instrukcją. Gościsz u siebie kolegę/koleżankę z Włoch. Planujesz zorganizowanie przyjęcia dla znajomych, na którym chcesz przedstawić swojego gościa. *Poinformuj kolegę\koleżankę o swoich planach. *Zapytaj, jakie dania najbardziej lubi. *Poproś o pomoc w przygotowaniu jedzenia. proszę o pomoc
Y: Emma I've got a proposition for you. What would you say for a party which I want to do for you? K: What do you mean "for me"? Y: I thought about party, beacuse I want to present you all my friends. K: Oh... You want to do this for me? Y: Yes, why not? So if we want to do party, I have to know what dishes do you like the most? K: Oh my favourite is pizza with mushrooms. I love it! I also like spaghetti. Y: All right, that isn't problem to do this dishes... I think so... Maybe we can do pizza and spaghetti together? K: Yeah that's great idea. Y: So can you help me with party and dishes? K: Yes, sure that's no problem.
Y- Ty
K- koleżanka z Włoch
Y: Emma I've got a proposition for you. What would you say for a party which I want to do for you?
K: What do you mean "for me"?
Y: I thought about party, beacuse I want to present you all my friends.
K: Oh... You want to do this for me?
Y: Yes, why not? So if we want to do party, I have to know what dishes do you like the most?
K: Oh my favourite is pizza with mushrooms. I love it! I also like spaghetti.
Y: All right, that isn't problem to do this dishes... I think so... Maybe we can do pizza and spaghetti together?
K: Yeah that's great idea.
Y: So can you help me with party and dishes?
K: Yes, sure that's no problem.