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5. Napisz, czy wolisz uprawiać sporty letnie, czy zimowe. Uzasadnij swoją opinię.
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I love watching ski jumping. In spite of the opinion of my friends I personally think this sport is great and it can bring lots of emotions. They say everything is the same, every jump is the same, but I always say that is not true. Although I admit, that it's interesting only when the top ten contestants are jumping. As many other sports, this sport is unpredictable as well, and many things depend on the wind (and obviously on the jumper's technique). I like the idea of adding or subtraction points depending on the wind. It really makes the competition fairer / more fair and also more emotional. My favourite jumper is Adam Małysz, of course. I also belive that Kamil Stoch will become as great as Adam.
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