Przebywasz na dwumiesięcznym kursie językowym w Londynie. Miszkasz u brytyjskiej rodziny, a le nie jestes zadowolona. Nie masz dobrego kontaktu z dziećmi gospodarzy i nie podoba ci sie tryb życia rodziny. Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Australii, w którym:
*podziękujesz koledze/koleżance za przesłane zdjęcia,
*przedstawisz krótko członków rodziny, u kórej mieszkasz,
*opiszesz, jak wygląda typowy dzień tej rodziny,
*wyjaśnisz, jak układaja sie twoje kontakty z tą rodzina i jak sie w zwiazku z tym czujesz.
Pamietaj o zachowaniu formy i stylu listu.
Z góry dziękuje, prosze możliwie krótko ale tak by zawrzeć wszystkie informacje ; )
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hey Girl !
How are You? Thank You so much for your photos. They were amazing!!! Now i'm in London and i'm living in strange family. There is awful! I don't wanna be here.. But i must.. Everyday childrens are screaming, mummy are also screaming, and dad sleep. Childrens -Kasia and Paula are going to kindergarten, mummy aren't work and dad are work every day in chemistry shop. My relatsions with this family aren't good.. When i' m come back from course , they don't say to me 'hey' or anything.. This is so sad.. But i'm happy, because in monday i will be in home in Poland.;)
Now i must go.
*twoje imie* xoxo.
Hi Tom,
How are you?
First of all I would like to thank you for this photos.
I writing to you because I must tell you about english course.
I'm in London and I live with english family which has two little kids Mary and Mark.
Unfortunately, I don't like this people and I feel that they don't like me.
I'm not in good relationship with this people. Everyday the're prying and watching tv. That looks all their days. They are true Catholic family and as you know I'm atheist.
I don't mean that it bother me but I feel that they don't have respect to me. I feel bad with it.
Sometimes I'd like to come back home but I come here to learn english so I shouldn't care what they say or what they're doing.
I hope my relationship with their will change.