Do rozwiazania sa 2 podzadania a oto ich tresc. prosze nie kopiowac z netu !!!!! daje NAJ !!!!!!!daje punkty tylko za pewlne zadanie czyli za rozwiazanie poprawne 2 podzadan. pozdrawiam , warto suma punktow jest duza !!!
I.Twoj kolega z kursu jezykowego w Londynie żeni sie .Napisz krotka pocztowke z gratulacjami.: - pogratuluj jemu - złóż zyczenia na nowa droge życia -podziekuj za zaproszenie na ślub -przeproś że nie mzoesz przyjechać.
II.Znalazłeż prace w reklamie letniej szkoly jezykowej w Anglii.Chcesz uzyskac szczegolowe informacje . Napisz zeby dowiedziec sie , ze:
- czy szkola prowadzi kurs , ktory tobie odpowiada i jaka jest jego cena 0 czy w cenie kursu zagwarantowane jest zakwaterowanie jesli tak to jakie -czy w programie kurdu przewidziane sa wycieczki krajoznawcze a jezeli tak to jakie ? -jak dlugo trwa kurs i kiedy sie zaczyna
Czekam do niedzieli jak narazie na rozwiazannie !!!! pozdrowki
Hello Mathew! I would like to send you congratulations for reason of getting married. It's amazing happening of your life. So I just want to wish you luck on new road of your life! Thank you for invite of your wedding but I can't to arrive because my mother's health isn't great and I need to care of her. Best wishes and great fun on wedding, Peter.
Dear Sir, I want to know some informations. Does your school carries courses of English? Then how much do they cost? Is there warranted accommodation in cost of course? If there is, wich kind of them they are? Is there any a sightseeing tours of course program? If there is, wich kind of them they are? How long that course will last? When does the course start? I'm looking forward to hearing from you, Peter XYZ.
Hello Mathew!
I would like to send you congratulations for reason of getting married. It's amazing happening of your life.
So I just want to wish you luck on new road of your life!
Thank you for invite of your wedding but I can't to arrive because my mother's health isn't great and I need to care of her.
Best wishes and great fun on wedding,
Dear Sir,
I want to know some informations.
Does your school carries courses of English?
Then how much do they cost?
Is there warranted accommodation in cost of course? If there is, wich kind of them they are?
Is there any a sightseeing tours of course program? If there is, wich kind of them they are?
How long that course will last?
When does the course start?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you,
Peter XYZ.