Jestes w Anglii . Znalazłeś w lokalnej gazecie ogłoszenie o pracy w charakterze asystenta nauczyciela w szkole dla emigrantów polskich. Napisz list motywacyjny w którym
- okreslisz cel listu i napiszesz w jaki sposób sie dowiedziałes o tej pracy.
-napiszesz co właśnie robisz w Anglii i jak długo planujesz ta zostac
-opiszesz krótko swoje wykrztalcenie i poziom znajomosci jezyka angileskiego
- przekonasz pracodawcę że jestes dobrym kandydatem (podaj dwa powody)
Dlugość listu powinna wynosic od 120-150 slów
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir or Madame,
I am writing in connection with your job offer concerning a post of a teacher’s assistant in school for Polish emigrants which I found in the latest issue of ‘Your Job’. I believe this position fits me expectations of a perfect job.
I am 19-year-old girl from Poland and I study in London. I’m going to stay in England for about 5 years.
As far as me qualifications are concerned, I have been working for about 2 years as a teacher in Poland where I have gained a lot of valuable experience. In addition to this, I hold a certificate in advanced English.
I consider myself very hard-working and responsible. What more, I will easily deal with Poles as I’m from Poland myself. I think that makes me a perfect candidate for this job.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,