Jestes na stypendium w anglii i wraz z kolegami i kolezankami z grupy postanowiliście zorganizować wieczór kulinarny promując kuchnie waszych krajów . Napisz ogłoszenie, w którym : - podaj okoliczności wydarzenia -przedstawisz cel, jaki wam przyświecał przy organizacji tego wieczoru -zachęcisz wszystkich studentów do zgłaszania swoich potraw regionalnych -poinformujesz, jak mozna sie skontaktować z organizatorami wieczoru .
We would like to announce that we will organize " Cook Night". We are from Poland and we wont to share with everybody our national food . If you wont to join to us , you just have to bring your dish and tell what country do you representative . If you are intrested call of numer 3834923 . Will be such a good fun .
ATTENTION We want to inform you, that on next Friday at 7 p.m. in our gym will be organized culinary evening. We anticipate that it will be in the form of competition. Because a lot of students at the university has different origin, there will be dishes from many countries. The point of this evening is to promote other cultures. Therefore if you want to present traditionally food from your native land- report to the contest to Adam Smith! All products and culinary equipment will be provided by the organizers. For more details, call on 123 456. We will answer for all your questions. We look forward to your presence.
We want to inform you, that on next Friday at 7 p.m. in our gym will be organized culinary evening. We anticipate that it will be in the form of competition. Because a lot of students at the university has different origin, there will be dishes from many countries. The point of this evening is to promote other cultures. Therefore if you want to present traditionally food from your native land- report to the contest to Adam Smith! All products and culinary equipment will be provided by the organizers. For more details, call on 123 456. We will answer for all your questions.
We look forward to your presence.