Jesteś na kursie językowym w Oxfordzie i przebywasz u angielskiej rodziny. Piszesz list do kolegi (fragment juz mam, proszę o dokończenie zgodnie z poniższymi punktami):
-Poinformuj gdzie jesteś i u kogo się zatrzymałes,
-Opisz dwoje członków rodziny,
-Opisz jak spędzasz typowy dzień w szkole i co robisz wieczorami,
-Co myślisz o Oxfordzie i dlaczego Ci się tam podoba.
Dear Rob
Hope you're well. Sorry I haven't written for ages.
I'm writing to let you know. Im in Oxford....(prosze o dokończenie) PILNE
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Rob,
Hope you're well. Sorry that I haven't written for ages.
I'm writing to let you know that I'm in Oxford on a language camp. I stayed in a English family, they are really nice. I've met 2 boys from this family, Aron and Tom. We all have a lot in common. In school we usually listen to 3 or 4 lectures from proffessors. At night I'm playing with those 2 brothers of a house that I'm living in.We all have great time together. I think that Oxford is a worth place to visit. Here you can find a very smart people and you can learn a lot from them. I liked the atmosphere the most. Everywhere you look you can find something interesting.
Thousands of kisses,