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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi John,
First of all I'm sorry for not writing for such a long time but below I'll try to explain it. So I haven’t written to you for such a long time because I was very busy. Me and my family moved to the new house in Katowice. The man who helped us with moving had a car accident so we lost most of our furniture etc. and we had to buy new.
Luckily nothing happened to the man who was driving the truck.
The second reason is the terrorist attack in our school. We had some problems because someone called the police about the bomb which was planted in our school. Also luckly nothing happend to noone but we all had to go to the police to answere theri questions. It took them a few days.
Anyway, write me about your parents, how are they? And write me if you have already found a girlfriend.
If you're planning to come to Poland uou’re welcome to come and stay with us for longer.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem.