Napisz list na 120-150 słów :
1. przeproś za długą przerwę w koresponencji + podaj przyczynę
2. opowiedz o 2 ciekawych zdarzeniach które miały ostatnio miejsce w Twoim życiu
3. zapytaj co u niej/niego słychać, spytaj jak czuję się jej/jego rodzice
4. napisz, dlaczego musisz kończyć list, poproś o szybką odp.
(np. do 1. - moja babcia chorowała, do 2. - wygrałam turniej siatkarski, rodzice kupili mi psa, do 4. - spieszę się na trening)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Amy,
I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time. I was very busy with my school work.
I've got a hard time right now. I need to pass two tests next week and it's not going to be easy. Last week I revised to the test with my friend and what's interesting I learn something incredible about her. She's a dancer! She's dancing in the theatre and now I can go and watch her for free. That's really nice of her that she gave me a free pass.
I also got a puppy from my parents. It's really cute. I've ever dreamed about one. It's brown with 2 white patches. I haven't decided on the name yet. Do you have any ideas? And how are you doing? How are your parents? Has you dad sold the car yet?
I have to finish. It's time for me to go to school. I can't be late. Please write back soon. Take care,