October 2018 2 20 Report

Jeden z boków prostokąta ma 4 cm, a jego przekątna jest o 2 cm dłuższa od drugiego boku. Oblicz pole i obwód tego prostokąta.

Proszę o proste, jasne wytłumaczenie, co z czego się bierze, jak, dlaczego, itd.

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Poprawisz ewentualne błędy? Jest to bardzo ważne, więc sprawdź każde możliwe warianty. Możesz nawet zmienić jeśli twoim zdaniem praca nie ma rąk i nóg. Wg, swojego uznania.Hi Joseph,It was so kind of you send me your photos when you worked as a baker. Well you know that I’ve just come back from France. I worked there as a waiter. It was a new experience. People who I met was very friendly and genial. If Ihad could I would have stayed longer. I’ve learnt a lot. I can make various meals and drink. I can do it because I made friend with chef. He is extraordinary. He can make a meal from nothing. Shall we meet? Will you be free on Saturday? If you want we can meet in the café about 4 p.m.Much love,Hello Megan,What’s going on? I’m sorry to inform you that I’ve been witness to quarrel. Yesterday Jane has had an argument with Alice. They have argued because Alice didn’t make a pop, you know that she is props master, don’t you? Jane screamed at her, she really needed that pop. I couldn’t observe that. So, I shouted: ’’Enough is enough! You can’t behave like that! You are friends!’’. I was angry on their. And I was surprise too, when I busted out they wondered. Later, they made up and for the thank we went to the cinema. Please, call me because I haven't hear you for ages.Love,Dear Mum and Dad,I’ve got so much to tell you… At the beginning I want to say that I miss you but I have too much fun here. When we reached I couldn’t believe that we will abide there. I thought: ‘Wow, what’s an astonishing place’. Around are the high, beautiful mountains. Our room is small but it’s pretty. We have four beds and small television. There is a one, big wardrobe next to the bed. An interesting thing in our neighborhood is playing field. We often go there. I have a request… Could you send me black t-shirts? I must finish now because we’re going sightseeing.Yours son, Dear schoolmates,Do you follow a sensible diet? If you not, you should come to this workshop. Me and my classmates decided to organize the workshop about healthy diet. The aim of this course is to know you how important is to eat healthy. At the beginning you’ll know what we shouldn’t eat and what we should eat. Eating habits is really important. In conclusion we’ll give you healthy recipes. We cordially invite!See you,

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