JAWAB YANG A, B, DAN C SAJA The plane has equation The line passes through the points and with position vectors and respectively, and the point lies on . Find (a) A vector equation of the line (b) The acute angle between and (c) The exact perpendicular distance from to The plane contains and is perpendicular to . Find (d) The equation of in Cartesian form (e) A vector equation of the line which lies in both and
jaman sekarang lebih banyak orang (by orang i mean YOWTH/seishun/abg) minat main daripada belajar, jadi kalau bilang mau belajar tapi ada sesuatu yang menggiurkan agak meragukan jadinya
tapi tergantung kualitas soalnya, klu sulit tapi point sedikit gak cukup, anggap saja itu gajinya hehehe
tetapi saya ngarap point sekalian belajar
itulah jawaban beserta langkah penyelesaian
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