jak to się czyta po angielsku
could you tell me about your qualifications ?
Shall i meet you at two o'clock ?
Can i have some more paper ?
Would you mind checking this letter ?
Will i help you find a new job ?
May i use your phone ?
Can you meet me later ?
2.You want to take a box of books home . Your hands are already full . Your friend is walking in the same direction as you .
Can you help me carry these books?
3. Your ball is in your neighbour’s garden and you’d like it back . You see your neighbour in his garden .
Would you throw the ball to me ?
4. You’re thirsty . There’s a bottle of water on the table near your friend .
Can you pass me a bottle of water. ?
5. You want to write something down . Your teacher has a pen .
Could I borrow your pen ?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Kold ju tel mi abałt jor kłalifikejszyn?
Szil aj mit ju at tu oklok ?
Kan aj hef som łon pejper ?
Łold ju majnd czeking dis leter ?
Łil aj help ju fajnd a niu dżob ?
Maj aj jus jor fon ?
Kan ju mit mi lejter?
2 . Ju łont tu tejk a boks of buks hołm. Jor hends ar olredi. Jor frends ys łolking in de sejm dajrekszyn as ju.
Kan ju help mi keri dis buks ?
3. Jor bol ys in jor nejgbors garden end jud lajk yt bek. Ju si jor nejbor in his garden.
Łold ju troł de bol tu mi ?
4. Ju ar tersdi. Ders a botyl of łoter on de tejbul nir jor frend.
Kan ju pas mi a botle od łoter ?
5. Ju łant tu łraid somting dałn . Jor ticzer haz a pen.
Kold aj boroł jor pen ?
Kud ju tel mi abałt jor kwalifikajszon?
Szal aj mie ju at tu o klok?
Kan aj hew som mor pejper?
Łud ju majnd czeking dis leter?
Łil aj help ju fajnd e niu dżob?
Mej aj juse jour fołn?
Kan ju mit mi lejter?
2. Ju łant tu tejk e bux of buks hołm. Jur hends are alredi ful. Ju friend is łalking in de sejm dajrekszion as ju.
Kan ju help mi kary this boks?
3. Ju bal is in jor neibours garden end ju lajk it bak. Ju si jur neibour in his garden
Łud ju troł de bal tu mi?
4. Jur tirsti. Ders a botl of łater on de tejbl nir jur frijend.
Kan ju pas mi a botl of łater?
5. Ju łont tu łrite samfink dałn. Ju ticzer has a pen.
Kud i boroł jur pen?