Napisz pocztówkę z ferii zimowych do przyjaciela/przyjacióki.Poinformuj go/ją: -skąd przesyłasz pozdrowienia i krótko scharakteryzuj to miejsce; -jak i z kim spędzasz czas; -jaka jest pogoda i w jaki sposób wpływa na Twój wypoczynek; -jakim środkiem transportu i kiedy wracasz do domu.
Dear Sue, This place is real fabulous! I`m in Marseilles, You know, it`s on south coast of France. Anywhere You`re looking, is water or sand. City, where we live is small but magnificent . We sleep all morning and go to pubs and discos in evenings. Every afternoon we go to the beach. Once, when we came back from water, I saw some boy sitting on my towel. We get acquainted. He is great! I have good fun here. I love discos and swimming and I love my new friends. Hugs & kisses. ............(podpis)
This place is real fabulous! I`m in Marseilles, You know, it`s on south coast of France. Anywhere You`re looking, is water or sand. City, where we live is small but magnificent . We sleep all morning and go to pubs and discos in evenings. Every afternoon we go to the beach. Once, when we came back from water, I saw some boy sitting on my towel. We get acquainted. He is great! I have good fun here. I love discos and swimming and I love my new friends.
Hugs & kisses.